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220 Relationship between increased levels of anti-dsdna with clinical symptoms in patients with sle
  1. B Marpaung1
  1. 1Faculty of Medicine- University of Sumatera Utara- Adam Malik General Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Medan, Indonesia


Background Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune rheumatic disease characterised by widespread inflammation and affectsany organ or system in the body. Many autoimmune diseases result in autoantibody production, but anti-dsDNA antibodies are highly specific to SLE. Previous study found that Anti-dsDNA antibodies are associated with severe clinical manifestations of lupus.

Objective To examine the association between anti-dsDNA level with clinical features and laboratory findings in patients with SLE.

Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Haji Adam Malik General Hospital Medan in August-October 2016 from 81 patients with SLE.We examined anti-dsDNA level, clinical features and kidney laboratory profile in all patient. The obtained data were statistically analysed.

Results 81 SLE patients with mean level of anti-dsDNA 294 IU/ml (6.1–1317). There is no significant relationship between increased level of Anti-dsDNA with other clinical manifestations (p>0.05). There are significant relationships between increased level of Anti-dsDNA with ureum level (p=0.016), thrombocytopenia (p=0.001), leucopenia (p=0.006), kidney disorder (p=0.049) and urine protein (p=0.028).Arthritis is the most frequent clinical manifestation (96.3%) from this study followed by malar rash (77.8%) and photo sensitivity (40.7%).

Conclusions Elevated anti-ds DNA level was not correlated with clinical symptoms but there is significant correlation with haematology disorder and kidney laboratory profiles of SLE patients.

  • SLE
  • Anti-dsDNA

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