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398 Use of tics for the generation of a model of management and follow-up of patients with lupic nephritis
  1. G Aroca Martínez1,2,
  2. A Cadena Bonfanti1,2,
  3. H Gonzalez Torres1,
  4. K Moreno3,
  5. M Garay Palacio3 and
  6. G Palacio Betancourt3
  1. 1Universidad Simon Bolivar, Medicine, Barranquilla, Colombia
  2. 2Clinica de la Costa, Nephrology, Barranquilla, Colombia
  3. 3TIC Social, Project, Bogota D.C., Colombia


Background and aims Our objective was to create a model for the characterisation, classification and management, according to the protocols, of patients with lupus nephritis, which is done in real time and with the generation of alerts at the right time, which allows inferring that we will obtain a Better quality of life of the patients, reduction of complications and, therefore, decrease in the cost of handling these patients.

Methods Initially patients with NL were classified with the CCM system for the risk of the disease. With the help of the CCM information tools, protocols of care and follow-up were incorporated into the software, which made it possible to manage, monitor and control patients.

Results The management of NL patients was handled by a group of specialists whose ultimate goal was to improve the quality of life and identify possible deterioration in the patient‘s health. In an integral way with CCM, a work plan was determined for each of them, keeping a strict record of the results of examinations that allowed to take medical actions in favour of the patients. Also, a mobile application (CheckUp! ) is made available to the user in order to monitor the patient in real time with NL.

Conclusions It was established a flow of actions to manage alterations in the quality of life of the patient. Actions that led to the change in the risk category of the disease per patient and a greater adherence and incorporation to the management to the family nucleus, making the model a success.

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