Table 4

The association between dietary nutrient intake and GC use between −1 year to inclusion, inclusion to +1 year and −1 year to +1 year

Time periodNutrient*OR†95% CIp Value
−1 year to InclusionAlcohol (g)0.390.16 to 0.980.045
Inclusion to +1 yearAlcohol (g)0.310.12 to 0.790.015
Vitamin D (µg)‡2.701.01 to 7.180.046
−1 year to +1 yearAlcohol (g)0.280.10 to 0.790.016
Vitamin D (µg)‡2.851.00 to 8.110.050
  • *All nutrients are dichotomised into lower (<median) intake and higher (>median) intake. Low intake=referent group.

  • †OR adjusted for age and gender.

  • ‡Not significant after adjusting for calcium/vitamin D supplementation.

  • GC, glucocorticoid.