Table 1

Characteristics of patients at the onset of diffuse NPSLE

Brain MRI abnormal findings
CharacteristicsPatients (N=53)Absent (n=28)Present (n=25)p Value
Gender (male/female)8/453/255/200.4527*
Age (years) (mean±SD)38.9±17.135.1±17.243.1±16.30.0625†
Disease duration (months) (mean±SD)47.1±90.319.8±55.276.4±111.40.0009†
Follow-up period (months) (mean±SD)72.6±44.681.2±74.562.8±64.70.3312†
Initial presentation of SLE33 (62.3%)21 (75.0%)12 (48.0%)0.0525†
Mean of total BILAG-2004 index score14.214.613.90.6148†
Neuropsychiatric manifestations
 Complication of seizures11470.3126*
 Diabetes mellitus3211.0000*
  • *Fisher's exact test.

  • †Mann-Whitney U test.

  • ACS, acute confusional state; AD, anxiety disorder; BILAG, British Isles Lupus Assessment Group; CD, cognitive dysfunction; MD, mood disorder; NPSLE, neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.