Table 2

Identification of SLE by attributed cause of ESRD in the USRDS combined with inpatient diagnostic codes, among Georgia Lupus Registry (GLR) patients who initiated treatment for ESRD (through 2012) and were subsequently hospitalised

Identification of patients with SLE byNo of patients with SLE identified in USRDSNo of patients with SLE progressing to ESRD, with subsequent hospitalisation dataAttribution to SLE (95% CI)
CMS-2728 only15019676.5% (70.0% to 82.3%)
CMS-2728 or ICD-9 code (710.0) in two or more hospitalisations ≥30 days apart17819690.8% (85.9% to 94.5%)
CMS-2728 or ICD-9 code (710.0) in at least one hospitalisation18819695.9% (92.1% to 98.2%)
  • CMS-2728, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ESRD Medical Eligibility Form 2728; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases V.9; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; USRDS, United States Renal Data System.