Table 3

Differences in the characteristics of patients with SLE by high CVD risk group

Parameter Descriptive statistics by high CVD risk group * Evidence of difference p value
Missed group
Conventional group
Age (years) 54±1469±9 p<0.01
Sex: female 22 (81)11 (50) p=0.03
  Caucasian20 (74)17 (77)p=1.00 p=1.00
  Asian7 (26)5 (23)
Conventional CVD risk factors
Current smoker 9 (33)8 (36)p=1.00
Diabetes mellitus 1 (4)3 (14)p=0.31
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 132±21143±17 p=0.05
Hypertension 9 (33)12 (55)p=0.16
Body mass index (kg/m2) 24.1±3.128.0±7.1 p=0.02
Total cholesterol (mM) 5.0±1.05.0±0.8p=0.78
Hypercholesterolaemia § 8 (30)3 (14)p=0.30
SLE disease parameters
Number of ACR criteria met 4.8±1.15.1±1.2p=0.30
Adjusted mean SLEDAI 5.72±3.32.95±2.5 p<0.01
Low mean C3 17 (63)5 (23) p<0.01
Lupus anticoagulant positive 5 (19)1 (5)p=0.19
On glucocorticoids 19 (70)8 (36) p=0.02
Cardiovascular disease parameters
CVD events 4 (15)5 (23)p=0.71
On CVD prevention therapy 13 (48)7 (32)p=0.38
Treated to NVDPA guideline targets (those on CVD prevention therapy)
  Antihypertensive9 (33)1 (5)p=0.02
  Lipid-lowering agent1 (4)0 (0)p=1.00
  • *Data as mean ± SD for continuous variables and (%) for categorical variables.

  • †Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables and Fisher's exact test for categorical variables.

  • ‡Blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg.

  • §Total cholesterol (>5.5 mM).

  • ¶Low C3 <0.8 mg/L.

  • ACR, American College of Rheumatology; CVD, cardiovascular disease; NVDPA, National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance