Our study shows that many of the assessed SLE-associated markers involved in EC function were upregulated in patients with cSLE compared with HC, especially in treatment-naïve and active disease. Angiopoietin-2, CCL2 and VCAM-1 were upregulated in patients with cSLE compared with HC but interestingly also in some patients with lower disease activity (at t=1). Despite low median disease activity, angiopoietin-2, CCL2, CXCL10, GAS6, thrombomodulin and VCAM-1 remained significantly upregulated in patients with cSLE compared with HC (at t=2). This implies that the endothelium in (a subset of) patients with cSLE remains in a chronically active state, regardless of disease activity. The aforementioned markers are involved in a broad spectrum of biological functions of EC, including vascular inflammation, EC activation and a proangiogenic state. HDL, TG, ApoA1 and ApoB/ApoA1 were dysregulated in patients with cSLE compared with HC (at t=1), but still within the physiological range. In longitudinal analyses, differences in lipids between patients with cSLE and HC disappeared over time, which is probably related to lower disease activity (and treatment).
Thrombomodulin is found on the surface of vascular EC and acts as a receptor for thrombin.34 Studies indicate that serum thrombomodulin is released when ECs are damaged.35 36 Dysfunction in either the amount or quality of thrombomodulin may contribute to thrombogenesis, which commonly occurs in patients with SLE.37 Importantly, thrombomodulin is being considered as a marker for EC damage and has been linked to active vasculitis in SLE.35 In line with our results, Lee et al demonstrated upregulated levels of thrombomodulin in cSLE compared with HC as well as a significant relation between thrombomodulin and SLEDAI.38 This correlation between thrombomodulin and SLEDAI was also seen in an aSLE cohort.39
VCAM-1 is a cell surface adhesion molecule, overexpressed on EC that plays a role in the immune response. In activated EC, VCAM-1 contributes to the adhesion and migration of immune cells from the blood to sites of inflammation. We found VCAM-1 to be upregulated in cSLE but we did not find a correlation between VCAM-1 levels and disease activity. In line with our findings, a study in aSLE reported upregulated serum levels of VCAM-1 but they found a weak correlation for VCAM-1 with disease activity.35
CCL2 (also known as MCP-1) is a chemokine that is produced by various cell types, for example, macrophages, fibroblasts and ECs, in response to inflammation. When there is vascular injury or inflammation, such as in atherosclerosis or other inflammatory conditions as, for example, SLE, ECs lining the blood vessels can produce CCL2. The locally produced CCL2 acts as a signalling molecule. It binds to its receptor (CCR2) on the surface of monocytes. This binding triggers a series of events that result in the monocytes leaving the bloodstream, adhering to the endothelium and migrating through the blood vessel wall into the subendothelial space.40 A study with adult patients with SLE41 demonstrated an upregulation of CCL2 serum levels in SLE compared with HC, without correlation with disease activity, which is in accordance with our results. These findings suggest a dysregulated endothelium irrespective of SLE disease activity.
CXCL10 is released by a diverse range of cells, including leucocytes, activated neutrophils and ECs. CXCL10 attracts activated Th1 lymphocytes, monocytes and natural killer cells to the area of inflammation.42 It has been shown that CXCL10 is increased in patients with aSLE compared with HC.43 In that study, CXCL10 correlated strongly with disease activity. In our study, CXCL10 was also upregulated in cSLE compared with HC and there was a weak correlation with SLEDAI (r=0.39, p=0.008).
The majority of the assessed lipids differed significantly in patients with cSLE compared with HC in our study, despite means of values falling within the normal physiological range. As shown previously in the APPLE (Atherosclerosis Prevention in Pediatric Lupus Erythematosus) study,44 mean levels of HDL, LDL and TG were also in the normal or borderline ranges in that cSLE cohort. Another cross-sectional study showed a significant difference in ApoB and TG levels between cSLE and HC.45 There was no significant difference in levels of total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C and ApoA1 levels. ApoB/Apo1 ratios were not reported. Interestingly, based on multiserum metabolomics analysis, it has been suggested that high ApoB/ApoA1 ratio could function as a potential biomarker of an increased cardiometabolic risk.46 It has been reported that the ApoB/ApoA1 ratio can assist in classifying patients who require increased disease monitoring, lipid modification or lifestyle changes.46 In our study, ApoB/ApoA1 ratio was elevated in patients with cSLE (with normal body mass index (BMI) ranges) with active disease compared with HC. However, after treatment, this difference disappeared in low disease activity states. Similarly, most of the differences in lipids between patients with cSLE and HC disappeared. This implies that there was a trend towards dysregulated lipids during active disease with positive effect of anti-inflammatory treatment in these patients. However, due to limited sample volumes we were only able to measure lipids longitudinally in 22/47 patients with cSLE. Interestingly, in a subset analysis within the previously mentioned APPLE study, 36% of patients with cSLE experienced ongoing atherosclerosis, which was not predictable by metabolic biomarkers. This suggests the presence of non-lipid drivers for atherosclerosis, emphasising the importance of considering such factors in the management of these patients.47
Recently, we proposed that an abnormal nailfold capillary pattern reflects early vasculopathy in patients with cSLE, since we observed that more than 50% of patients with a capillary scleroderma pattern already had SLE-related disease damage within 5 years after diagnosis.28 In the current study, 68.8% of patients with cSLE had a capillary microangiopathy pattern and 18.8% showed a capillary scleroderma pattern at diagnosis. In an exploratory manner, we have analysed possible relationships between EC marker levels and abnormal nailfold capillaroscopic patterns. Angiopoietin-2 showed a weak correlation with a scleroderma pattern. Angiopoeitin-2 was also elevated irrespective of disease activity in our patients with cSLE. This EC marker is involved in the ‘disturbed angiogenesis’ of EC function.33 These results are in line with a previous study, in which higher levels of angiopoietin-2 in SLE compared with HC were found. Moreover, there was no correlation between angiopoietin-2 levels and SLEDAI.48 In the aforementioned study by Lee et al,38 angiopoietin-2 was also upregulated in patients with cSLE compared with HC, but did not correlate with SLE disease activity, similar to our current findings. We hypothesise that high angiopoietin-2 levels might reflect the vasculopathy and disturbed angiogenesis that is observed by nailfold capillaroscopy (abnormal nailfold capillaries with capillary giants, haemorrhages and abnormal capillary morphology). To our knowledge, there is only one study that studied the potential correlation between EC markers and NVC patterns.49 Angiopoietin-2 levels were not measured in this study, but a correlation between VEGF and microvascular abnormalities in nailfold capillaroscopy was reported. In our study, we did not observe a correlation between VEGF levels and an abnormal capillary pattern. Another study also stated that angiopoietin-2 may be used as a potential biomarker in SLE, since this marker seemed to have potential to differentiate patients with SLE from those with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, Sjögren’s syndrome and ankylosing spondylitis.48 It is important to mention that in our study not all samples were taken simultaneously with capillaroscopy examination. Although we have shown earlier that most capillary patterns do not change over time,28 this is a limitation. Future studies will have to show whether angiopoietin-2, in combination with NVC, might be used as a biomarker for (ongoing) vascular inflammation.
This is the first longitudinal study in cSLE assessing SLE-associated markers involved in EC function in combination with longitudinal measurements of lipids. The number of studies on EC markers in patients with cSLE is very limited. The uniqueness of our cohort also lies in the fact that more than half of the patients (30/47, 63.8%) were treatment naïve at the moment of first blood sample. These treatment-naïve samples reflect an endothelial state that is solely attributable to the disease itself, with no influence from medication.
Nonetheless, there are also several limitations. First, we were not able to perform longitudinal analyses in all patients, if patients did not yet achieve inactive disease. Additionally, we were not able to perform lipid measurements in all patients due to a lack of material in a substantial part of our patients. Therefore, it was only possible to measure the lipids longitudinally in 50% of the cSLE cohort which might have biased our results with less statistical significance. Other limitations are the lack of nailfold capillaroscopy data in a considerable number of patients with cSLE (n=15) and the limited follow-up period (mean 31 months, median 16.5 months) after diagnosis. Therefore, we were not able to determine any effects caused by medication and/or disease duration over time on the measured EC markers and lipids. Moreover, it is of note that HCs were not matched with patients with cSLE. Therefore, ethnic backgrounds of the HC group differed substantially from the cSLE group, with a majority of Caucasian subjects in the HC group (88% compared with 42% in cSLE patient group) which might have an effect on biology and their cardiovascular risks. In addition, BMIs of the HCs were not obtained.
It is important to decrease the overall incidence of CVD-related morbidity and mortality in SLE by using appropriate prevention and treatment strategies. To date, established screening protocols for detecting or monitoring CVD in cSLE do not exist. However, for patients with cSLE who have become adults, such protocols would be valuable, as we know they suffer from higher disease activity, longer disease duration and premature atherosclerosis at a relatively young age, compared with aSLE. There is a pressing and unmet need to develop improved methods to stratify patients with cSLE who are at risk for CVD in order to start preventive treatment. Future studies should therefore further elucidate the changes in EC markers in combination with lipids over time. We urge for more thorough investigations on the relation between the EC dysregulation in SLE and increased risk of premature atherosclerosis and CVD, with an emphasis on the differences in cSLE and adult-onset patients.