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Thank you to our reviewers 2016

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The Editor would like to publicly acknowledge the people listed below who served as reviewers on the journal during 2016. Without their efforts, the quality of the journal could not be sustained.

Alarcon, Graciela

Antovic, Alekxandra

Aranow, Cynthia

Arnaud, Laurent

Askanase, Anca

Askanase, Anca

Askenase, Anka

Bermas, Bonnie

Bertsias, George

Biesen, Robert

Boers, Maarten

Buyon, Jill

Cohen, Philip

Collins, Christopher

Craft, Joseph

D’Cruz, David

Deng, Yun

Dolff, Sebastian

Dorner, Thomas

drenkard, cristina

Eadon, Michael

Enghard, Philipp

Espinosa, Gerard

Georgin, Sophie

Gladman, Dafna

Gómez-Puerta, Jose

Gómez-Puerta, José-Alfredo

Gordon, Caroline

Gunnarsson, Iva

Hagberg, Niklas

Herrmann, Martin

Hutloff, Andreas

Inanc, Murat

Izmirly, Peter

Jacobsen, Soren

Jara, Luis J.

Jolly, Meenakshi

Katz, Patricia

Kimberly, Robert

Ko, Kichul

Kumar, Rakesh

Lazzerini, Pietro Enea

Lessard, Christopher

Listing, Joachim

Lockshin, Michael

Lood, Christian

Lu, Qianjin

Massarotti, Elena

Mosca, Marta

Nath, Swapan

Navarra, Sandra

Nordmark, Gunnel

Nurmohamed, Mike

Oates, James

Oppenheimer, Federico

Parikh, Samir

Parodis, Ioannis

Pego-Reigosa, J. M.

Pisetsky, David S.

Plantinga, Laura

Rahman, Anisur

Reynolds, Harmony

Romero-Diaz, Juanita

Ronnblom, Lars

Ruiz-Irastorza, Guillermo

Schneider, Matthias

Scofield, Robert

Simard, Julia

Somers, Emily

Stohl, William

Svenungsson, Elisabet

Tanaka, Yoshiya

Tektonidou, M

Tsokos, George

Urowitz, Murray

van Vollenhoven, Ronald

van Vugt, Richard

Voskuyl, Alexandre

Waldheim, E.

Wallace, Daniel

Yazdany, Jinoos

Zivkovic, Valentina