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27 The international consensus on standardized nomenclature of antinuclear antibody hep-2 cell patterns (icap) initiative – its impact and update from 3rd icap
  1. E Chan1,
  2. J Damoiseaux2,
  3. OG Carballo3,
  4. K Conrad4,
  5. W de Melo Cruvinel5,
  6. PLC Francescantonio6,
  7. M Fritzler7,
  8. I Garcia-De La Torre8,
  9. M Herold9,
  10. T Mimori10,
  11. M Satoh11,
  12. C von Mühlen12 and
  13. A Luis13
  1. 1USA
  2. 2Maastricht University Medical Centre, Central Diagnostic Laboratory, Maastricht, The Netherlands
  3. 3Hospital Carlos G. Durand, Laboratory of Immunology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  4. 4Technical University of Dresden, Institute of Immunology, Dresden, Germany
  5. 5Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Biology, Goiânia, Brazil
  6. 6Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Medicine, Goiânia, Brazil
  7. 7University of Calgary, Medicine, Calgary, Canada
  8. 8University of Guadalajara, Immunology and Rheumatology, Guadalajara, Mexico
  9. 9Medical University of Innsbruck, Internal Medicine VI, Innsbruck, Austria
  10. 10Kyoto University, Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Kyoto, Japan
  11. 11University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Clinical Nursing, Kitakyushu, Japan
  12. 12Brazilian Society of Autoimmunity, Immunology, Porto Alegre, Brazil
  13. 13Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Rheumatology, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Background and Aims The indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) pattern in ANA test provides initial assessment of autoantibody responses in candidate patients at risk of developing SLE. The International Consensus on ANA Patterns (ICAP) Initiative workshop originated in 2014, followed by the 2nd and 3rd workshops in 2015 and 2016. The goal of ICAP is to provide guidelines for ANA interpretation, thereby optimising adoption in diagnostic laboratories and extended to patient care.

Methods A working committee addressed collective issues on ANA nomenclature that are raised by participants representing research, clinical, and diagnostic laboratories.

Results ANA patterns are separated into three major categories (nuclear, cytoplasmic, and mitotic patterns). A total of 28 patterns were defined, described in detail, designated with alpha-numeric codes (AC-1 to AC-28), and summarised under a nomenclature and classification tree ( ICAP initiatives include translation of the website into other languages, establishing guidelines in ANA reporting, and programs for continuing education. The translation initiative promotes the establishment and dynamic engagement of a worldwide network. To date, the website displays its content in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German, while Chinese, Japanese, French, and Greek translations are ongoing. ICAP has provided a common platform to address issues that are of great interest to the scientific community. The establishment of a consensus on ANA reporting will require interaction with committees in charge of establishing disease classification and diagnostic criteria.

Conclusions Future goals include building collaborative data on ANA patterns, establishing new consensus patterns, and developing an interpretative description for each pattern for their widespread clinical use.

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