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P187 Systemic lupus erythematosus in male – about 5 observations
  1. Benamer Mustapha
  1. Faculty of Medicine, University of Algiers, Algiers, Algeria


Introduction The occurrence of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease, is rare in male. It is observed in only 10% of cases. Its clinical presentation is different, and the evolution is more serious.

Patient presentation The 5 patients are aged 25 years on average. The diagnosis of LES meets the ACR criteria. The mode of revelation is pulmonary embolism, thrombosis of the lower limbs, seritis (pericardial and peritoneal sheet) and cerebral venous thrombosis. These patients have in common a massive proteinuria revealed by an oedema of the lower limbs and where the PBR shows a lupus nephropathy stage III to V. The clinical picture was completed by a characteristic rash, and biologically, a normal normocyte normo-chrome anaemia, NAA, AC anti-native DNA and antiphospholipid-positive Ac. The treatment is based on the infusions of methylprednisolone and immunosuppressants.

Discussion In all the series, the predilection of LES for women and its rarity in men is noted. The mode of revelation seems more serious in men, but the rarity of joint damage and the constancy of severe glomerular damage were found. Biologically, there is no difference. The use of immunosuppressive drugs is essential in view of the seriousness of the modes of revelation and the aggressiveness of the glomerular damage.

Conclusion Our presentation confirms the rarity of LES male. It emphasizes the seriousness of clinical expressions and the delicate therapeutic management of these forms.

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