In this study, we report on a high plasma level of REVs in patients with SLE. Furthermore, the percentage of PS+ REVs in the plasma of patients with SLE almost doubled compared with the healthy group. The patients with a high level of plasma REVs also have elevated plasma PEVs. There was no correlation between the EV levels, including those that are PS+, and the SLEDAI. About half of the patients with SLE had PS+ REV levels like the healthy controls. However, a high level of PS+ REVs was positively associated with a lower platelet concentration and a higher incidence of past thrombotic events.
A high level of platelet activation markers and plasma PEVs were reported previously in patients with SLE.36 CD62P (P-selectin) is only present on the activated platelet following the fusion of the α-granules with the plasma membrane.37 The platelet activation marker CD62P (P-selectin) is elevated in patients with SLE and is positively associated with the SLEDAI score.36 This study confirms the positive association between the number of CD62P+ platelets and disease activity. The stratification of the incident and prevalent cases of SLE did not highlight differences regarding the levels of plasma EVs, PS+ EVs and platelet activation markers. In incident SLE cases, the percentages of platelets positive for CD62P, CD62P/ATX or PAC1/ATX double-positive, and PAC1/CD32P/ATX triple-positive, were not statistically different from the healthy group. It may be due to the small number of patients with newly diagnosed SLE included in the present study. However, in the incident and prevalent cases, the SLEDAI score correlated with platelet activation as monitored by the cell surface exposure of CD62P. In incident SLE cases, we found other associations between the platelet activation markers and the SLEDAI score. Those include the CD62P/ATX and CD62P/PAC1 double-positive platelets. PAC1 monitor the activation of αIIbβ3 integrin complex in platelets38 39 Of note, the ATX stored in α-granules and released on platelet activation can bind the platelet αIIbβ3 integrin.33–35 It would suggest that the liberation of α-granule and the activated form of platelet integrins contributes to the early phase of SLE disease progression. While, at later stages, when the disease becomes chronic, only the liberation of the content of α-granule is of importance.
It was possible to divide the patients with SLE based on the levels of plasma PS+ REVs. About half of the patients had plasma levels of PS+ REVs below the threshold of 1000 REVs/µL found in healthy controls. The other half were patients with SLE with high to very high levels of PS+ REVs. The results suggest that a high amount of plasma PS+ REVs is associated with a higher incidence of past cardiovascular events. Similar analyses based on the levels of PS+ PEVs yield no significant association between a high level of PS+ PEVs and the incidence of past thrombotic events. Thus, a high amount of PS+ REVs is specifically associated with history of past cardiovascular events. A longitudinal study on incident cases with no antecedent thrombosis or cardiovascular diseases would confirm if patients with SLE with a high level of plasma PS+ REVs are more at risk of future thrombosis. REVs exposing PS+ can recruit different actors of the coagulation cascade and be a source for the generation of large quantities of thrombin.10 40 REVs are also a source of the von Willebrand factor.41 Patients with SLE with a high plasma level of PS+ REVs also show high amounts of plasma ATX. ATX is the enzyme that produces LPA.42 The binding of ATX to αIIbβ3 integrin of activated platelets enhance its catalytic activity.33 34 Though we did not monitor the plasma LPA levels, a role for LPA in RBC activation and production of PS+ REVs cannot be excluded.24 43
Recent studies highlighted a possible role for phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 in SLE physiopathogenesis.44 45 Serum levels of phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 are significantly higher in patients with SLE with high disease activity. Besides, patient treatment with immunosuppressive therapies lowered the amount of serum phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A.44 Serum phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 and ATX are also higher in patients with lupus nephritis.45 However, there was an inverse correlation between the levels of serum ATX and disease activity.45 Of note, we observed that patients with low plasma PS+ REV level tend to have a higher SLEDAI and lower levels of plasma ATX. The role of ATX and phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 in SLE pathophysiology is not known. Increased expression of phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 is associated with many pathological conditions, including autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases.46 Phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 can hydrolyse PS into lysoPS, and ATX can hydrolyse the lysoPS into LPA.46 On one side, long-chain lysoPS may contribute to immune cell activation, including macrophages.47 On the other side, stimulation of red blood cells with LPA induces the liberation of REVs.24 25 LPA induces the production of REVs by red blood cells in a concentration-dependent and LPA species-dependent manner through activation of LPAR3.48 Low concentrations of LPA induce the production of PS- REVs while the production of PS+ REVs by red blood cells requires concentrations of LPA ≥5 µM.48 Further studies should determine if the patients with SLE with a high plasma level of PS+ REVs and ATX also show elevated amounts of phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1.
Atherosclerosis is a lead cause of cardiovascular incidents and is a known comorbidity factor in SLE.49–53 PEVs exposing PS were associated with accelerated thickening of the intima-media in patients with SLE.19 In addition, several EV populations promote the development of atherosclerosis through the recruitment of immune cells in the vascular wall and the production of cytokines.54–56 Besides, through the uptake of EVs, vascular wall infiltrated macrophages accumulate lipids and transform into foam cells.57–59 Macrophages phagocyte the PS+ EVs at a higher rate.60 Therefore, even if PS+ REVs are not associated with SLE progression, they still could be implicated in the progression of atherosclerosis and thrombotic events associated with SLE. We did not dispose of sufficient measurements to investigate a potential link between the levels of PS+ REVs and the carotid intima-media thickness test. The overtime impacts of PS+ REVs and other blood cell-derived PS+ EVs on the thickening of carotid intima-media of patients with SLE would be worth investigating in patients with SLE.
In summary, patients with SLE show a high number of plasma PEVs and REVs and high surface exposure of the platelet activation markers PAC1 and CD62P compared with controls. There are no significant differences between the incident and prevalent cases of SLE. The levels of EVs do not correlate with the SLEDAI score. However, the analyses of CD62P exposure on the platelet surface show an association with SLEDAI, consistent with the documented association between this platelet activation marker and disease activity. We divided patients into groups with low and high PS+ REV levels. The analyses show a lower platelet concentration and a higher incidence of past thrombotic events in patients with SLE with a high level of PS+ REVs. There was no association between the history of thrombosis and elevated plasma PS+ PEV levels. Further studies are required to determine if the plasma level of PS+ REVs is a potential biomarker for managing the cardiovascular risk of individuals with SLE.