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04 The matter of the debate: LLDAS is an excellent outcome measure, but does it really capture patients with true LDA?
  1. Ronald van Vollenhoven
  1. Amsterdam University Medical Centers, and Amsterdam Rheumatology and Immunology Center, The Netherlands


Accurate definitions of disease states can be very helpful in care, education and research. During recent years, definitions of low disease activity and remission in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have been developed, tested and published. The definition Low Lupus Disease Activity State (LLDAS) was extensively validated and has already been utilized in several studies and clinical trials. However, some uncertainties remain. Does this definition define patients whose disease does truly have a low level of activity? Or conversely, can patients whose disease activity really is low be ‘missed’ by this definition? And if so, what would the consequences of that be. These questions will be addressed in this year’s debate at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Lupus Academy.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the importance of having definitions of lupus disease states

  • Describe the recent development of the LLDAS

  • Demonstrate understanding that some questions remain around the LLDAS

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