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PO.5.115 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): patients with and without renal involvement: a real world analysis showing demographic, clinical and treatment differences across more than 1,279 EU5 patients
  1. M Yarnall,
  2. R Rex and
  3. P Pouliot
  1. Spherix Global Insights ~ Exton ~ USA


Purpose Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients present significant challenges in management. This study was to evaluate moderate to severely active SLE patients and determine overlapping characteristics and significant differences among this cohort of SLE patients with and without renal involvement.

Methods 1,279 moderate and severe SLE patient records were collected in collaboration with 289 EU5 rheumatologists via an online survey platform from November 12, 2021, through January 28, 2022. Patients were at least 18 years old with diagnosed SLE and treated with at least one prescription agent.

Results While women make up the majority of SLE patients overall, males are over-represented among those with renal involvement. Other significant differences exist in disease manifestations:

Physicians more often consider their SLE patients with renal involvement as ‘severe’ and to have ‘high disease activity’. Treatments are often different between the two patient types:

Abstract PO.5.115 Table 1

Conclusions SLE patients with renal manifestations often have multiple other manifestations of their disease and more diagnosed comorbidities, adding significant complexity to their treatment and care regimens.

DISCLOSURE Maxine Yarnall, Philippe Pouliot, and Ryan Rex are employees of Spherix Global Insights, an independent market intelligence firm, and have received no industry funding and report on this study.

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