Table 3

ORs and 95% CIs for adverse pregnancy outcomes occurring before and after SLE diagnosis compared with controls in an African-American population

StillbirthSpontaneous abortionElective abortionPreterm live birthLow birth weightPreeclampsia
(694 pregnancies)1.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)
(577 pregnancies)(1.61 to 12.17)*†(1.58 to 3.08)*(0.63 to 2.29)†(1.43 to 4.17)*(1.52 to 4.52)*(0.98 to 2.94)
(before diagnosis)3.901.370.831.872.011.80
(337 pregnancies)(1.30 to 11.76)*†(0.87 to 2.18)(0.36 to 1.89)†(1.07 to 3.28)*(1.14 to 3.54)*(1.03 to 3.16)*
(after diagnosis)6.152.791.474.705.482.03
(147 pregnancies)(1.75 to 21.65)*†(1.61 to 4.81)*(0.54 to 3.98)†(2.42 to 9.13)*(2.81 to 10.69)*(0.94 to 4.39)
(unknown order)4.022.964.314.622.391.32
(93 pregnancies)(0.76 to 21.17)†(1.59 to 5.48)*(1.89 to 9.82)*†(2.10 to 10.16)*†(0.89 to 6.52)†(0.38 to 4.50)†
  • All estimates are adjusted for age, years of education, insurance and pregnancy number.

  • *p<0.05.

  • †Unadjusted model.

  • SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.