Table 1

Baseline characteristics of APPLE cohort by vitamin D status

Variable25(OH)D ≥20 ng/mL
<20 ng/mL
All patients
p Value
Female114 (81.4%)53 (86.9%)167 (83.1%)0.34
Age, years (SD)15.4 (2.6)16.3 (2.8)15.7 (2.7)0.05
Latitude (SD)*39.5 (3.4)38.9 (3.0)39.3 (3.3)0.09
 1st quarter18 (12.9%)18 (29.5%)36 (17.9%)<0.01
 2nd quarter36 (25.7%)18 (29.5%)54 (26.9%)
 3rd quarter43 (30.7%)9 (14.8%)52 (25.9%)
 4th quarter43 (30.7%)16 (26.2%)59 (29.4%)
 White84 (60.0%)18 (29.5%)102 (50.7%)<0.01
 Black27 (19.3%)27 (44.3%)54 (26.9%)
 Asian15 (10.7%)4 (6.6%)19 (9.5%)
 Native American3 (2.1%)0 (0.0%)3 (1.5%)
 Native Hawaiian4 (2.9%)1 (1.6%)5 (2.5%)
Hispanic or Latino29 (20.7%)18 (29.5%)47 (23.4%)0.18
History of smoking3 (2.1%)3 (4.9%)6 (3.0%)0.37
Postpubertal91/114 (79.8%)46/53 (86.8%)137/167 (82.0%)0.28
Household income
 <25 00032/131 (24.4%)25/56 (44.6%)57/187 (30.5%)0.13
 25–49 99936/131 (27.5%)15/56 (26.8%)51/187 (27.3%)
 50–74 99925/131 (19.1%)6/56 (10.7%)31/187 (16.6%)
 75–99 99919/131 (14.5%)5/56 (8.9%)24/187 (12.8%)
 100–149 99912/131 (9.2%)4/56 (7.1%)16/187 (8.6%)
 >150 0007/131 (5.3%)1/56 (1.8%)8/187 (4.3%)
BMI percentile (SD)72.3 (24.0)71.5 (28.0)72.1 (25.2)0.77
Duration of lupus, months (SD)26.7 (26.1)38.8 (33.2)30.4 (28.9)0.01
SLEDAI (SD)4.2 (3.9)5.3 (4.4)4.5 (4.0)0.10
SLICC=0111 (79.3%)40 (65.6%)151 (75.1%)0.04
Hypertension42/135 (31.1%)23/60 (38.3%)65/195 (33.3%)0.32
Glomerulonephritis52/139 (37.4%)29/61 (47.5%)81/200 (40.5%)0.18
Creatinine clearance (SD)136.5 (27.0)143.8 (40.6)138.7 (31.8)0.31
Timed urine protein, mg/24 h (SD)142.0 (212.2)365.5 (790.8)214.6 (491.5)0.07
 Lupus anticoagulant50/135 (37.0%)18/55 (29.5%)68/190 (35.8%)0.23
 Anticardiolipin ab59/137 (43.1%)27/59 (45.8%)86/196 (43.9%)0.57
 dsDNA113/140 (80.7%)50/61 (82.0%)163/201 (81.1%)0.73
Corticosteroid usage116 (82.9%)47/60 (78.3%)163/200 (81.5%)0.45
ACE inhibitor usage32/140 (22.9%)17/60 (28.3%)49/200 (24.5%)0.41
Vitamin D94/140 (67.1%)39/60 (65.0%)133/200 (66.5%)0.77
Calcium87/140 (62.1%)33/60 (55.0%)120/200 (60.0%)0.35
Baseline hsCRP (SD)2.2 (7.5)4.6 (10.4)2.9 (8.4)<0.01
Homocysteine (SD)7.3 (2.6)7.7 (3.8)7.4 (3.0)0.93
Lipids (SD)
 Total cholesterol152.9 (39.3)158.6 (36.5)154.7 (38.5)0.16
 HDL cholesterol47.1 (13.8)43.5 (10.8)46.0 (13.0)0.24
 LDL cholesterol83.6 (31.8)91.6 (30.0)86.0 (31.4)0.03
 Triglycerides111.4 (54.4)123.5 (92.9)115.2 (68.6)0.93
Lipoprotein A (SD)21.8 (26.5)24.3 (22.4)22.6 (25.3)0.22
Baseline mean–mean common CIMT0.467 (0.042)0.471 (0.044)0.468 (0.042)0.57
Baseline mean–max CIMT0.580 (0.055)0.590 (0.056)0.583 (0.055)0.23
  • Bold denotes p values less than 0.05 to indicate statistical significance.

  • *Latitude is defined as the degree of latitude of the subject study centre. Latitude ranged from 32 to 48°.

  • †Season is defined as follows: 1st 1/1–3/31, 2nd 4/1–6/30, 3rd 7/1–9/31, 4th 10/1–12/31.

  • APPLE, Atherosclerosis Prevention in Pediatric Lupus Erythematosus; CIMT, carotid intima medial thickness; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein.