Table 2

Multivariable logistic modelling of vitamin D deficiency [serum 25(OH)D <20 ng/mL]

Odds ratio95% CIp Value
Age1.281.09 to 1.500.002
Latitude*0.870.76 to 0.990.034
 1st quarter2.830.87 to 9.230.084
 2nd quarter1.230.45 to 3.360.685
 3rd quarter0.570.19 to 1.750.327
Minority status‡17.475.22 to 58.48<0.001
Log timed urine proteinuria2.470.96 to 6.340.060
Log hsCRP1.401.07 to 1.830.015
  • Bold denotes p values less than 0.05 to indicate statistical significance.

  • *Latitude is defined as the degree of latitude of the subject study centre. Latitude ranged from 32 to 48°.

  • †Season is defined as follows: 1st 1/1–3/31, 2nd 4/1–6/30, 3rd 7/1–9/31, 4th 10/1–12/31, with 4th quarter as the referent season.

  • ‡Minority status is all races/ethnicities compared with the referent of white, non-Hispanic.

  • hsCRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein.