Table 3

Estimated response rates and duration of response for different responder indices

Responder indexLandmark response rate at 52 weeks*Probability in response at 52 weeks from MSM(95% CI)Mean sojourn time in response(95% CI)Mean total time in response(95% CI)
SRI-445.9% (95% CI 42.3% to 49.5%)61.0% (95% CI 58.3% to 63.5%)31.5 weeks (95% CI 28.5 to 34.8)24.8 weeks (95% CI 23.7 to 25.9)
SRI-533.6% (95% CI 30.2% to 37.1%)43.6% (95% CI 40.8% to 46.3%)25.7 weeks (95% CI 23.1 to 28.7)17.1 weeks (95% CI 16.0 to 18.1)
SRI-632.5% (95% CI 29.2% to 36.0%)41.7% (95% CI 38.8% to 44.7%)24.3 weeks (95% CI 21.9 to 27.1)16.4 weeks (95% CI 15.3 to 17.5)
BICLA†38.0% (95% CI 33.4% to 42.7%)50.2% (95% CI 47.1% to 53.5%)20.4 weeks(95% CI 18.1 to 23.0)21.2 weeks(95% CI 19.7 to 22.5)
  • *Dropouts and missing data imputed as non-response.

  • †Among patients with 1A or ≥2B at baseline.

  • BICLA, BILAG-based Composite Lupus Assessment; MSM, multistate model; SRI, SLE Responder Index.