Abstract CS-17 Table 1

Clinical and immunologic criteria of SLE patients attending rheumatology clinics in south west regional health authority, 2016

Demographic characteristicsN(%) or mean±standard deviation (n=141)
Age 39.8±13.8
136 (96.5%)
Clinical Criteria N (%)
Acute cutaneous lupus 57 (40.4%)
Chronic cutaneous lupus 9 (6.4%)
Oral or nasopharyngeal ulcerations 30 (21.3%)
Nonscarring alopecia 55 (39.0%)
Synovitis involving two or more joints 120 (85.1%)
Serositis 18 (12.8%)
Renal disorder
*Positive Anti-dsDNA
32 (22.7%)
22 (78.6%)
Neurologic disorder 18 (12.8%)
Hemolytic anemia 6 (4.3%)
Leukopenia or lymphopenia 30 (21.3%)
Thrombocytopenia 19 (13.5%)
Immunologic Criteria N (%)
**ANA above laboratory reference range 139 (99.3%)
***Anti-dsDNA antibody level above laboratory reference range 80 (57.6%)
Anti-Sm presence 41 (29.1%)
Antiphospholipid antibody positive 16 (11.3%)
Low complement 66 (46.8%)
Direct Coombs’ test in the absence of hemolytic anemia 3 (2.1%)
  • *Sample size n=28 (Results were not obtained for 4 patients)

  • **Sample size n=140

  • ***Sample size n=139