Table 2

Health-related quality of life measures in the study cohort at visit 1*

Health-related quality of life measures Patient
P values
(N=43) (N=45)
pSkindex27 summary score19.6±23.4 (0–84.3)21.0±22.7 (0–72.2)0.721
 Emotions22.0±26.7 (0–95.0)22.7±24.8 (0–75.0)0.851
 Symptoms21.3±21.8 (0–71.4)21.7±20.1 (0–64.3)0.919
 Functioning17.2±23.9 (0–90.0)18.8±23.6 (0–75.0)0.633
PedsQL-GC total score71.0±18.6 (36.9–100)67.5±20.3 (22.8–97.8)0.074
 PsSS71.4±19.6 (33.3–100)67.2±20.3 (23.3–100)0.015
 PhSS70.9±22.8 (28.0–100)68.7±24.6 (22.0–100)0.538
PedsQL-RM total score73.1±14.1 (45.5–100)
 Pain and hurt75.9±27.2 (6.0–100)
 Daily activities89.0±16.6 (45.0–100)
 Treatment67.6±17.7 (32.0–100)
 Worry60.7±25.8 (0–100)
 Communication67.8±26.7 (8.0–100)
  • *Values are mean±SDs (range).

  • PedsQL-GC, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Generic Core Module; PedsQL-RM, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Rheumatology Module; PhSS, Physical Health Summary Score; PsSS, Psychosocial Health Summary Score.