Abstract 169 Table 1

Clinical manifestation of late- and early-onset SLE patients

Clinical manifestationLate onset n (%)Early onset n(%)OR95% CI (Lower)95% CI (Upper)P value
Fever 97 (48.9)113 (57.0)0.7220.4861.0730.107
Malar rash 67 (33.8)127 (64.1)0.2860.1890.4320.000***
Lymph Adenopathy 16 (8.08)8 (4.04)2.0880.8724.9970.092
Raynaud’s phenomenon 24 (12.1)27 (13.6)0.8740.4851.5740.653
Arthritis 95 (47.9)106 (53.5)0.8010.5391.1880.269
Oral Ulcer 39 (19.6)36 (18.1)1.1040.6671.8250.700
Alopecia 23 (11.6)56 (28.2)0.3330.1950.5680.000***
Photo sensitivity 12 (6.06)27 (13.6)0.4090.2010.8320.011*
Dry mouth 40 (20.2)19 (9.59)2.3851.3274.2880.003**
Dry eyes 19 (9.59)12 (6.06)1.6450.7763.4870.190
Myalgia 12 (6.06)10 (5.05)1.2130.5122.8760.661
Thrombosis 1 (0.50)2 (1.01)0.4970.0455.5310.562
Dizziness 4 (2.02)14 (7.07)0.2710.0880.8380.016*
Fatigue 55 (27.7)41 (20.7)1.4730.9262.3410.101
Weight loss 7 (3.53)10 (5.05)0.6890.2571.8480.457
Dyspnea 32 (16.1)28 (14.1)1.1700.6752.0290.575
PAH 11 (5.55)11 (5.55)1.0000.4232.3631.000
Neuropsychiatric symptoms 3 (1.51)15 (7.57)0.1880.0530.6590.004**
Proteinuria 48 (24.2)116 (58.5)0.2260.1470.3480.000***
Hematuria 4 (2.02)42 (21.2)0.0770.0270.2180.000***
Edema 57 (28.7)62 (31.3)0.8870.5771.3630.584
Serositis 48 (24.2)37 (18.6)1.3920.8592.2570.178
Leukopenia 42 (21.2)47 (23.7)0.8650.5391.3870.547
Thrombocytopenia 55 (27.7)47 (23.7)1.2360.7871.9410.358
  • OR: odds ratio