Abstract P115 Table 1
1- Baseline patient characteristics (n =10 )
Age (years) 22.3 years
Female Sex 8 (80%)
SLE diagnosis duration 3.8 years
History of hypertension 2 (20%)
History of DM 0 (0%)
Previous cardiac history 0 (0%)
2- Clinical data
Onset of LM LN and LM LN preceding LM
6 (60%) 4 (40%)
Clinical presentation Cardiogenic shock Acute heart failure Syncope
4 (40%) 5 (50%) 1 (10%)
3- Laboratory and renal biopsy data
CBC HB level 8.7 gm/dl
Wbcs count 6.1 10^3/μl
Platelets count 199 10^3/μl
Creatinine level 2.6 mg/dl
Protein: Creatinine ratio 3.6 mg/mg
Patients with renal biopsy 5 (50%)
Class III Class IV
1 (20%) 4 (80%)
4- Baseline Echocardiography
LVEF 26.3%
ESD 46.1 mm
EDD 56.3 mm
Global hypokinesia 9 (90%)
Mitral regurgitation 10 (100%)
Tricuspid regurgitation 8 (80%)
Pericardial effusion 7 (70%)
Pulmonary hypertension 4 (40%)
5- Management
Pulse steroids 10 (100%)
IV cyclophosphamide 7 (70%)
mycophenolate mofetil 3 (30%)
Immunoadsorption 1 (10%)
6- Follow-up echocardiography after 3 months
LVEF 42.8%
ESD 38.9 mm
EDD 52 mm
7- Outcomes
Complete recovery 4 (40%)
Partial improvement 2 (20%)
Mortality 3 (30%)
  • Data is represented as mean or number (%)