Table 2

Baseline characteristics of WELL and Usual Care participants

CategoryMeasureUsual Care
DemographicsAge (years)47.3 (14.0)49.8 (12.3)
Disease duration (years)15.4 (10.5)16.4 (9.9)
Education (years)14.1 (2.8)14.3 (2.9)
Work status, n (%)
Working full time147 (27.9)28 (16.8)
 Working part-time63 (12.0)11 (6.6)
 Retired68 (12.9)22 (13.2)
 Home maker29 (5.5)2 (1.2)
 Student17 (3.2)4 (2.4)
 Unemployed or disabled202 (38.4)100 (59.9)
Health-related quality of lifePROMIS global health-physical40.6 (8.8)38.3 (7.5)
PROMIS global health-mental43.5 (9.2)41.4 (9.0)
PROMIS depression51.1 (10.9)53.5 (9.2)
PROMIS physical function40.6 (10.0)38.4 (7.6)
PROMIS pain interference57.7 (10.1)59.0 (9.2)
PROMIS fatigue57.5 (11.2)58.6 (10.6)
PROMIS sleep disturbance56.7 (10.7)57.3 (10.8)
PROMIS anxiety51.9 (11.4)53.9 (10.5)
PROMIS anger51.2 (12.5)53.0 (11.4)
PROMIS ability to participate in social roles and activities47.5 (10.1)45.3 (8.3)
beliefs and behaviours
PROMIS self-efficacy to manage medicines46.2 (9.2)46.0 (9.0)
PROMIS self-efficacy to manage symptoms48.3 (8.7)47.1 (7.8)
Communication with physicians*2.9 (1.1)3.1 (1.1)
Patient Activation Measure (PAM), n (%)
 Level 1 (disengaged and overwhelmed)39 (7.5)12 (7.3)
 Level 2 (becoming aware, still struggling)123 (23.5)24 (14.5)
 Level 3 (taking action)264 (50.5)90 (54.5)
 Level 4 (maintain behaviours/push further)97 (18.5)39 (23.6)
Psychosocial factorsPerceived stress†6.3 (3.2)6.2 (3.2)
PROMIS emotional support51.3 (9.3)51.4 (9.2)
PROMIS informational support53.6 (10.7)52.4 (9.9)
PROMIS instrumental support53.1 (9.3)51.4 (9.2)
PROMIS social isolation47.3 (10.9)49.9 (10.9)
Everyday discrimination‡1.6 (0.6)1.7 (0.6)
Disease severityDisease activity (SLAQ score)§14.4 (8.7)16.9 (8.6)
Organ damage score level¶, n (%)
 No damage (SA-BILD score=0)112 (21.3)29 (17.3)
 Mild damage (SA-BILD score=1–2)210 (39.8)58 (34.5)
 Severe damage (SA-BILD score ≥3)205 (38.9)81 (48.2)
  • Statistic values are displayed as mean (SD) unless otherwise specified.

  • PROMIS measures are reported using a T-score metric in which 50 is the mean and 10 is the SD of a reference population, with higher scores indicating more of the domain being measured.

  • *Scores range from 0 to 5, with higher scores indicating better communication.

  • †Scores range from 0 to 16, with higher scores indicating higher perceived stress.

  • ‡Scores range from 1 to 4, with higher scores indicating higher perceptions of discrimination.

  • §Scores range from 0 to 47, with higher scores indicating higher disease activity.

  • ¶Scores range from 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating higher lupus damage.

  • PROMIS, Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System Measure; SA-BILD, Self-Administered Brief Index of Lupus Damage; SLAQ, Systemic Lupus Activity Questionnaire; WELL, Women Empowered to Live with Lupus study.