Moderator: Andrea Doria (Italy)
Understanding and treating SLE: A new era is dawning
Recorded Q&A (15 Mins)
Ronald van Vollenhoven (Netherlands)
Debate: New Developments in Basic Science and Clinical Research: Defining SLE
Moderator: Ricard Cervera (Spain)
The matter of the debateRicard Cervera (Spain)
A majority of lupus patients (will) need a biologic!David Isenberg (UK)
A minority of lupus patients (will) need a biologic!Murray Urowitz (Canada)
Recorded Voting, Q&A and Discussion (20 Mins)All
Hot Topic
Moderators: Murray Urowitz (Canada), David Isenberg (UK)
Optimal assessment and monitoring of SLE patients in clinical practice
Recorded Q&A (10 Mins)
Alexandre Voskuyl (Netherlands)
Moderators: Bevra Hahn (USA), Sandra Navarra (Philippines)
Diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychiatric lupus
Q&A (10 Mins)
Marcello Govoni (Italy)
Covid-19 and SLE – What do we know today?
Q&A (10 Mins)
Fabrizio Conti (Italy)
  • *Please note that this session (presentation and discussion) is pre-recorded and there will not be an opportunity to participate in discussion.