Table 2

Neuropsychological and behavioural test performance in subjects with SLE compared with healthy controls (HC)

Cognitive and behavioural test performanceSLE (N=74)HC (N=74)P value
(SLE vs HC)
Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics
Mean (SD)
Simple Reaction Time
visuomotor processing speed, simple motor speed, attention
363.8 (88.0)321.1 (65.4)<0.01
Matching Grids
visuospatial processing
29.6 (9.9)34.0 (11.8)0.02
Match to Sample
working memory, visuospatial processing
25.5 (8.6)31.8 (12.0)<0.01
Running Memory Continuous Performance Task
vigilance, sustained attention, working memory
73.4 (14.7)84.0 (15.6)<0.01
Spatial Processing Simultaneous
mental rotation, visuospatial skills
24.0 (7.0)26.3 (8.8)0.26
2×2 array
Mean (SD)
Non-Spatial Memory Test
working memory
1.8 (0.6)2.1 (0.7)<0.01
Spatial Memory Test
spatial memory
3.6 (1.1)4.3 (1.6)0.01
Beck Depression Index score, range: 0–63
Median (Q1–Q3) (range)
9.0 (2.0–14.3) (0–44)1.5 (0.0–3.0) (0–34)<0.01
 # BDI scores >13, n (%)19 (26)1 (1)<0.01
Numerical Rating Scale for pain, range: 0–10
n (%) of subjects with score >0
43 (58)15 (20)<0.01
ANAM fatigue score, range: 0–6
n (%) of subjects with score >2
31 (42)7 (10)<0.01
ANAM sleepiness score, range: 1–7
n (%) of subjects with score >2
22 (30)7 (10)<0.01
ANAM anger score, range: 0–6
n (%) of subjects with score >0
32 (43)9 (12)<0.01
ANAM anxiety score, range: 0–6
n (%) of subjects with score >0
51 (69)32 (43)<0.01
  • Neuropsychological test scores are all expressed as throughput, or efficiency, scores (accuracy÷reaction time), except for Simple Reaction Time, which represents reaction time in milliseconds. All data are reported as a mean or median along with an SD or IQR, or as a frequency (%).

  • ANAM, Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics.