Abstract 503 Table 1

Steroid use provided by the standardized steroid regimen (SSR)

Patients ≥ 50 kg Prednisone* 60 mg/day divided in up to 4 doses Up to 3 doses (30 mg/kg; max 1 gram of methylprednisolone)
Patients < 50 kg Prednisone 1.5 mg/kg/day
Median – lowest PO CS dose at week 4** 40 mg/day - 30 mg/day
WEEK 5 – 26 OF INDUCTION THERAPY (based on LN and ER trends since last visit)
LN course
(assumption ER is stable)
Much worse Increase PO CS to 50-60mg/day; re-assess in 1-3 weeks; if response to increased PO CS is (a) Satisfactory→ No IV CS; (b) non-satisfactory→ IV pulses + PO CS;
Possible change of immunosuppressive drug
Mild – moderately worse Increase PO CS by about 30% (if dose < 40 mg; max 60 mg)
Active stable Stable PO CS dose (if dose < 40 mg; else: slow decrease)
Improved active or PRR1 Slow decrease of PO CS dose
CRR2 More pronounced decrease of PO CS dose
ER course
(assumption LN is stable)
Much worse Increase PO CS dose; Re-assess in 1-3 weeks; if response to increased PO CS dose is (a) Satisfactory→ No IV CS; (b) non-satisfactory→ IV pulses + PO CS dose;
Possible change of immunosuppressive drug
Mild- moderately worse Increase PO CS by 20% for doses < 40 mg; otherwise stable PO CS dose
Active stable or improved active Stable PO CS dose
Inactive Decrease PO CS dose
Median - Lowest PO CS dose possible at week 26 12.5 - 10 mg/day
LN course
(assumption ER is stable)
Flare3 after PRR/CRR Prednisone ≥ 40 mg, irrespective of ER course
Re-assess in 1-3 weeks; if response to increased PO CS is (a) Satisfactory→ No IV CS; (b) non-satisfactory→ IV pulses + PO CS
Worse after PRR/CRR Increase the PO CS dose FIRST
PRR stable Slow decrease of the SSR-dose
Inactive/CRR or PRR improved More pronounced decrease of the SSR dose
ER course (assumption PRR parameters are stable) Much worse Increase PO CS dose by 30-50% (max 60 mg) ; Re-assess in 1-3 weeks; if response to increased PO CS dose is (a) Satisfactory→ No IV CS ; (b) non-satisfactory→ IV pulses + PO CS;
Possible change of immunosuppressive drug
Mild- moderately worse Increase PO CS dose by 25% for doses < 40 mg; otherwise stable PO CS dose
Stable/Improved/Inactive Decrease of the PO CS dose
  • ** For patients ≥ 50 kg; * or corticosteroid equivalent dose.

  • 1 Partial renal remission (PRR): >50% improvement of ≥2 LN-RVs PLUS remaining LN-RV is NOT worse.

  • 2 Complete renal remission (CRR): All LN-RVs are NORMAL.

  • 3 LN flare defined by at least 1 of the LN-RV changes being persistently present on ≥2 subsequent time points ≥1week apart. LN-RV changes are defined as (a) newly abnormal GFR, (b) abnormal GFR that decreased by >10%, (c) persistent increase of UPCR to ≥0.5, after CRR, (d) persistent doubling of UPCR with values ≥1.0, after PRR, or (e) newly active or worsening glomerular hematuria.