Table 1

Demographic characteristics and cognitive test results of study groups

SLE group, N=95HC group, N=48Comparison* (p value)
Age, median (range)45 years (22–64)46 years (23–62)0.77
Gender, female93%92%0.84
Premorbid IQ†, mean±SD108.5±7.3110.8±8.30.10
 Less than secondary12%6%
Paid employment60%92%0.001
History of depression37%6%<0.001
History of anxiety27%6%0.003
MoCA score, median (range)26 (19–30)28.5 (21–30)<0.0001
Individual cognitive domain test scores‡, mean (range)
 Visual memory19 (3–32)25 (12–33)<0.0001
 Verbal memory51 (19–70)59 (45–71)<0.0001
 Verbal fluency41 (16–80)53 (33–84)<0.0001
 Working memory18 (9–26)21 (16–28)<0.0001
 Processing speed69 (33–114)84 (44–134)<0.0001
 Complex attention80 (29–267)57 (30–153)<0.0001
 Psychomotor speed146 (89–193)156 (116–204.5)0.008
Cognitive impairment§
 2 domains >1.5 SD below HC49%15%<0.001
 1 domain >2 SD below HC41%10%<0.001
 2 domains > 2 SD below HC19%0%0.001
 All 3 definitions pooled52%16%<0.001
  • *Sociodemographic variables were compared between the SLE and control groups using Mann-Whitney, Χ2 and t-tests; cognitive test scores compared using one way analysis of variance.

  • †Premorbid IQ measured by Test of Premorbid Functioning scaled score.

  • ‡Specific cognitive tests used for each domain are as follows: visual memory (Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test recall score), verbal memory (California Verbal Learning Test trials 1–5), verbal fluency (Controlled Oral Word Association Test FAS sum), working memory (Letter Number Sequencing score), processing speed (Coding Score), complex attention (Trail Making Test B time in seconds (longer indicates worse performance)), psychomotor speed (Finger Tap Test dominant hand score).

  • §Impairment defined by number of cognitive domains either 1.5 or 2 SD below HC group mean, all three definitions pooled into fourth cognitive impairment category.

  • HC, healthy control; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment.