Table 4

Comparison of patients with SLE with low and high PS+ REVs

Demographic characteristicsPS+ REV
GenderFemale44 (88)41 (79)0.2897
Age, years52.00 (41.00; 62.00)50.50 (37.50; 59.00)0.5592
BMI25.35 (22.43; 29.04)23.59 (21.46; 28.50)0.1062
Disease duration, years7.93 (0.76; 21.64)3.58 (1.41; 15.87)0.1426
OnsetIncident16 (32)13 (25)0.5124
Prevalent34 (68)39 (75)
APS4 (8)12 (23)0.0551
Clinical characteristics
SLEDAI2.00 (0.00; 6.00)1.50 (0.00; 4.00)0.0776
Platelet, 109 /L242.00 (195.00; 291.00)202.00 (176.50; 246.00)0.0262
MPV, fL8.70 (8.00; 10.00)8.90 (8.05; 9.55)0.6992
Haemoglobin, g/L129.00 (121.00; 137.00)131.00 (124.00; 138.00)0.3264
CRP, mg/L2.90 (1.21; 3.42)2.00 (1.00; 5.00)0.7683
ESR, mm/hour8.00 (4.00; 20.00)6.00 (3.00; 14.00)0.1674
Lupus anticoagulantPresence4 (10)7 (15)0.5374
Anticardiolipin IGGAbnormal3 (8)10 (20)0.0674
Equivocal2 (5)0 (0)
Anticardiolipin IGMAbnormal3 (8)9 (18)0.1633
Equivocal1 (3)0 (0)
Anti-β2GPI IGGAbnormal1 (3)7 (14)0.1306
Anti-β2GPI IGMAbnormal4 (11)11 (22)0.2521
Laboratory measurements
ATX, ng/mL227.75 (183.10; 295.30)274.50 (207.83; 408.73)0.0318
PEVs, EVs/µL2419 (1012; 4566)4853 (2532; 8230)0.0006
PS+ PEVs, EVs/µL2042 (866; 4051)4384 (2238; 7696)0.0006
REVs, EVs/µL842 (426; 1387)4436 (3064; 7166)<0.0001
ACR criteria
Arthritis37 (76)42 (84)0.3262
Thrombocytopaenia9 (18)15 (30)0.2414
Malar rash17 (35)9 (18)0.0705
Discoid rash11 (22)7 (14)0.3080
Haemolytic anaemia3 (6)1 (2)0.3622
Renal disorder12 (24)13 (26)1.0000
Cardiovascular damages
History of thrombosis2 (4)10 (19)0.0283
NSAID/ Cox-II Inhibitors14 (28)11 (21)0.4931
Prednisone8 (16)13 (25)0.3299
Immunomodulators42 (86)44 (88)0.7742
  • Continuous variables are presented as median (IQR), pvalue based on Wilcoxon Mann Whitney test. Categorical variables are presented as n (%), pvalue based on exact Pearson χ² test. Significant pvalues are in bold.

  • ACR, American College of Rheumatology; APS, antiphospholipid syndrome; ATX, autotaxin; BMI, body mass index; CIMT, carotid intima-media thickness; CRP, C reactive protein; DMARD, disease modifying antirheumatic drug; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; EV, extracellular vesicle; MPV, mean platelet volume; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PEV, platelet EV; PS+, phosphatidylserine positive; REV, red blood cell EV; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SLEDAI, SLE disease activity index.