Moderators: Andrea Doria (Italy) & Eloisa Bonfá (Brazil)
11:00Adaptation and validation of the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Quality of Life Questionnaire (L-QoL) for use in Bulgaria
Q&A (5 Mins)
Daliya Tsvetanova Pencheva (Bulgaria)
11:10Relationship of anti-double stranded DNA antibodies titers and echocardiographic parameters in systemic lupus erythematosus patients
Q&A (5 Mins)
Natalia Guajardo-Jauregui (Mexico) & Iris Colunga-Pedraza (Mexico)
11:20Patients with SLE have unique changes in serum metabolic profiles across age associated with cardiometabolic risk
Q&A (5 Mins)
George A Robinson (UK)
11:30Intercurrent infection as a risk factor for disease flares in patients with systemic lupus erythematosusFatma el Hadiyen (The Netherlands)
11:40Transcriptome profiling and autoimmunity-related serological markers identify TP53 and C3aR as drug targets in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus
Q&A (5 Mins)
Julius Lindblom (Sweden)
11:50Discussion and Award (10 Mins)All
12:00Poster Viewing and Light Lunch