Table 1

Univariate analyses of demographic and clinical features of patients with CLE with and without family history of CLE and/or SLE

FeatureAll patients (n=338)Positive family history of CLE and/or SLE (n=114)No family history of CLE and/or SLE (n=224)P value
Sex, n (%)
 Female283 (84)98 (86)185 (83)0.42
 Male55 (16)16 (14)39 (17)
Race/ethnicity, n (%)
 Black non-Hispanic173 (51)73 (64)100 (45)0.001
 Non-Black*165 (49)41 (36)124 (55)
Smoking status (No., %)†
 Ever173 (51)59 (52)114 (51)>0.99
 Never163 (49)55 (48)108 (48)
Follow-up duration (years), mean (SD)‡7.16 (8.93)7.46 (9.21)7.01 (8.79)0.66
Age at diagnosis (years), mean (SD)§40.43 (14.41)38.59 (14.41)41.37 (14.36)0.10
Predominant CLE subtype, n (%)
 Acute27 (8)11 (10)16 (7)0.52
 Subacute53 (16)15 (13)38 (17)
 Chronic¶258 (76)88 (77)170 (76)
Concomitant SLE, n (%)
 Yes171 (51)66 (58)105 (47)0.06
 No167 (49)48 (42)119 (53)
History of positive autoantibody test result**
 ANA249 (75)91 (81)158 (72)0.11
 Anti-dsDNA97 (35)40 (42)57 (32)0.11
 Anti-Ro/SS-A129 (48)49 (51)80 (47)0.53
 Anti-La/SS-B41 (16)15 (16)26 (16)>0.99
 Anti-Smith89 (34)40 (42)49 (30)0.04
  • *Non-Black patients included 111 White non-Hispanic (33%), 13 Asian (4%), 37 White Hispanic (11%) and four other (1%) patients.

  • †Smoking status was unavailable for two patients.

  • ‡Follow-up duration was calculated as the time between CLE diagnosis and the last study visit. Six patients whose CLE diagnosis date was unavailable were excluded.

  • §Age of CLE diagnosis was unknown for six patients.

  • ¶Patients with chronic CLE included 221 patients with DLE (65%), 28 with LE tumidus (8%), 8 with LE panniculitis (2%) and 1 with Chilblain’s lupus (1%).

  • **ANA test result was unavailable for 7 patients, anti-dsDNA antibody test for 64 patients, anti-Ro/SS-A antibody test for 72 patients, anti-La/SS-B for 79 patients and anti-Smith antibody test for 77 patients.

  • .anti-dsDNA, anti-double-stranded DNA antibody; CLE, cutaneous lupus erythematosus; DLE, discoid lupus erythematosus; LE, lupus erythematosus.