Abstract 609 Table 1

Demographic and Clinical Factors Among SLE Patients (n=70)

Enrolled in the study(n=30) Refused
Clinical Trial Participants(n=25) p-value
Age (mean ± SD) 41.87 ± 13.14 38.87 ± 13.85 37.84 ± 12.46 0.502
Female (n,%) 29, 97% 12, 80% 23, 92% 0.174
Black (n,%) 12, 40% 4, 15% 5, 20% 0.305
Ethnic Hispanic (n,%) 14, 57% 5, 33% 7, 28% 0.078
Income, $ (mean ± SD) 55711 ± 22853 56037 ± 28671 77378 ± 42968 0.035
Years Since SLE Diagnosis (mean ± SD) 10.04 ±10.71 8.60 ± 6.52 12.04 ± 7.48 0.243
SLE Organ Involvement
Arthritis (n,%) 25, 83% 10, 67% 24, 96% 0.047
Mucocutaneous (n,%) 22, 73% 11, 73% 22, 88% 0.369
Lupus Nephritis (n,%) 5, 17% 4, 27% 5, 20% 0.741
Hydroxychloroquine (n,%) 25, 83% 14, 93% 24, 96% 0.272
Corticosteroid (n,%) 5, 17% 1, 7% 14, 56% 0.001
MMF, MPA, AZA (n,%) 13, 43% 7, 47% 5, 20% 0.124
Fibromyalgia (n,%) 4, 13% 0, 0% 0, 0% 0.059
Admissions in the Past Year (mean ± SD) 1.63 ± 1.52 1.13 ± 1.30 0.52 ± 0.96 0.009
Office Visits in the Past Year (mean ± SD) 3.13 ± 2.21 3.20 ± 2.27 4.76 ± 3.35 0.063