Table 1

Demographic, clinical and histological characteristics of the patient cohort

CharacteristicsEntire cohort (n=110)Patient group 1* (n=67)Patient group 2† (n=30)Patient group 3‡ (n=8)Patient group 4§ (n=5)
Age at Bx1 (years)31 (17–58)¶32.5 (17–56)31 (17–49)29 (22–47)32 (20–58)
Female, n (%)89 (81)**55 (84)23 (77)7 (87.5)3 (60)
Duration of follow-up (months)109 (34–202)107 (35–202)135 (40–192)111 (101–152)48 (34–76)
Initial treatment MMF, n (%)61 (55)37 (55)17 (57)4 (50)4 (80)
Initial treatment cyclophosphamide, n (%)49 (45)30 (45)13 (42)4 (50)1 (20)
Serum creatinine at Bx1 (mg/dL)0.8 (0.4–4)0.9 (0.4–4)0.8 (0.5–0.4)0.85 (0.6–1.3)0.7 (0.5–1.3)
Serum creatinine at last follow-up (mg/dL)0.7 (0.5–3.4)0.7 (0.5–3.0)0.7 (0.5–1.3)0.7 (0.6–2)0.8 (0.5–0.9)
Patients progressing to ESKD or death, n (%)2 (1.8) ESKD2 (3) ESKD01 (12.5) death0
Patients with CKD†† at last follow-up, n (%)9 (8)6 (9)03 (37.5)0
Proteinuria at Bx1 (g/day)3 (0.4–12)3 (0.4–12)3.1 (0.6–8)4.7 (0.9–9)1.2 (0.5–5)
Proteinuria at last follow-up (g/day)0.2 (0–3)0.2 (0–0.8)0.3 (0–1.9)0.25 (1–3)0.2 (0.2–0.5)
Anti-dsDNA positive at Bx1, n (%)92 (84)54 (81)26 (87)8 (100)4 (80)
Anti-dsDNA titre at Bx1‡‡500 (80–1280)640 (80–1280)320 (80–1280)960 (160–1280)480 (160–640)
C3 at Bx1 (mg/dL)56 (20–124)53 (23–101)60 (23–124)53 (20–84)52 (44–80)
C3 low at Bx1, n (%)77 (70)46 (69)20 (67)7 (87.5)4 (80)
C4 at Bx1 (mg/dL)8 (1.6–50)8 (2–50)9 (2–29)5.4 (3–27)12 (6–15)
C4 low at Bx1, n (%)68 (62)42 (63)16 (53)7 (87.5)2 (40)
Bx1 ISN/RPS class III29 (26%)17 (25.4%)5 (16.7%)4 (50%)3 (60%)
Bx1 ISN/RPS class III+V10 (9%)7 (10.4%)3 (10%)00
Bx1 ISN/RPS class IV60 (55%)34 (50.7%)21 (70%)3 (37.5%)2 (40%)
Bx1 ISN/RPS class IV+V11 (10%)9 (13.4%)1 (3.9%)1 (12.5%)0
Activity index (AI) of Bx17.5 (1–16)8 (2–17)7.5 (3–16)8 (4–15)3 (1–8)
Chronicity index of Bx13 (0–6)3 (0–6)3 (0–6)3 (0–5)4 (1–5)
  • *Group 1 patients had an AI of 0 on their biopsy done to decide whether immunosuppression could be withdrawn.

  • †Group 2 patients had an AI >0 on their biopsy done to decide whether immunosuppression could be withdrawn.

  • ‡Group 3 patients had an LN flare after achieving clinical and histological remission.

  • §Group 4 patients are still being treated and have had only initial and 1-year biopsy.

  • ¶Data presented as median and range.

  • **Data presented as number of patient and per cent of cohort of subgroup.

  • ††This does not include those patients who have gone on to ESKD.

  • ‡‡Titre only in those patients positive for anti-dsDNA antibodies.

  • Bx1, biopsy 1; CKD, chronic kidney disease; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; ESKD, end-stage kidney disease; ISN/RPS, International Society of Nephrology/Renal Pathology Society; LN, lupus nephritis; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil.