Lupus | Social factors | Cardiovascular disease |
General terms | ||
Lupus SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus | Social factors Social determinants Social environment Social conditions Social gradient(s) Social inequities/inequalities | Coronary heart disease Coronary death Coronary insufficiency Coronary artery bypass graft Coronary procedure (eg, bypass, stent) Percutaneous coronary intervention Angina Cerebral infarction Myocardial infarction Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) Ischaemic stroke Ischaemic heart disease Cerebrovascular events Cerebrovascular accidents Stroke Peripheral artery disease Peripheral vascular disease Heart failure Congestive heart failure ST elevation Non-ST elevation Occlusion and stenosis of carotid artery Claudication |
Social determinants of health | ||
Income Social protection Finances Financial need (Socio)economic status Education School* Degree* College/University Unemployment/Non-employment Job (in)security Work/job/career Food (in)security Nutrition† Diet† Housing/House/Dwelling Environment* Neighbourhood Early childhood/life Social inclusion/exclusion Discrimination Social capital Racism/Race Stigma Social support/cohesion Structural conflict Crime Violence War Health services Health access Health affordability Quality of health services Insurance Hospital* Healthcare* Gender | ||
Biopsychosocial literature | ||
Stress Trauma Allostatic load Risk conditions Infrastructure Social services Poverty Social disorder Psychosocial/mental health Occupation Capital (social, economic, human, cultural) Exercise† Physical activity† Obesity† Overweight† Abdominal liposity† Wellbeing† |
The table lists the three primary concepts and keywords used to develop the search strategy and resulting search string.
*Indicates keywords excluded from the search to increase sensitivity.
†Indicates keywords included in the search but excluded from later stages of analysis.