Table 3

Impact of fibromyalgia and LLDAS/remission state at baseline on PROs

FM yesFM noP valueLLDAS/Rem yesLLDAS/Rem noP value
SF-36 PCS41.1±9.548.6±9.7<0.000147.9±10.245.5±90.14
SF-36 MCS38.3±10.544.7±11.8<0.0144.1±12.341.9±9.30.27
  • Bold values represent statistically significant values.

  • FACIT, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy; FM, fibromyalgia; HADS-A, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for anxiety; HADS-D, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for depression; LIT, Lupus Impact Tracker; LLDAS, Lupus Low Disease Activity State; PROs, Patient-Reported Outcomes; SF-36 MCS, Short Form 36 mental component summary; SF-36 PCS, Short Form 36 physical component summary.